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Grow Serum

Grow Serum

4 oz. / 118 ml

Regular price $25.95
Regular price Sale price $25.95
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What It Does

Meet our secret weapon for stagnant hair growth. The Nourish and Grow "Growth Serum" is formulated with naturally- derived ingredients that are clinically proven to increase hair growth, reduce hair loss, and improve overall scalp health. Our vegan formula is packed with Moringa, Fenugreek and Sulphur, that effectively penetrates the scalp and works deep within the hair follicles, to create visibly longer and thicker hair, with consistent use.


Grapeseed Oil, Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Peppermint Oil, TeaTree Rosemary Oil, Argan Oil, Green Tea, Moringa, Fenugreek Seed, vitamin E oil (derived from wheat germ oil), Sulphur

How to use

Highly concentrated and formulated for kids. Simply massage a small amount into the scalp 3 to 4 times per week for optimal results. Discontinue if irritation occurs.


Follow with Nourish and Grow Deep Conditioner for optimal results.

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  • Clean ingredients you can trush

  • Gentle for sensitive skin

  • Paraben Free, Sulfate Free

  • Handmade with Love

  • Cruelty Free, no animal testing

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Why Cristina's Curls

Cristina's Curls is a unique and gentle organic hair care and skincare line for children

Our products are handcrafted with essential nutrients that protect your skin against eczema, dry skin and sensitive skin conditions.

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