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background color code */
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color code*/
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Component heading Background color code*/
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Component heading text color code*/
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Information Modal Text color code */
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View Ingredient List Link Text Color */
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your Ingredient Side Drawer Sliding Direction - Options available
are left & right */
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/* Include this code above to turn the link into a button */
//replace the shopify validation token here
const validationToken =
//replace the Client name here
const clientName = 'cristinas curls';
//Add Custom Product Attribute Heading Text
const productAttributesHeadingText = 'Attributes';
//Add Definition Heading Text
const definitionHeadingText = 'Definition:';
//Add Custom Notes Heading Text
const customNoteHeadingText = 'NOTE FROM BRAND';
//Add Custom Functions Heading Text
const functionsHeadingText = 'Purpose:';
//Add Custom Product Ingredient Attribute Heading Text
const productIngredientAttributesHeadingText = 'Qualities:';
//Add Custom Additional Details Heading Text
const additionalDetailsHeadingText = 'Additional Notes';
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